29/May/2024 | Software development

how to make an app like Zillow in 2024: Step-by-Step Guide

Author: Kazim Shah

Have you ever wondered how to create an app like Zillow? Real estate apps have changed how people buy, sell, and explore homes. They offer convenience, detailed information, and a user-friendly experience. You're on the right track if you're considering developing your own real estate app. Let’s dive into the steps of how to make an app like Zillow

What is the Zillow App?

The Zillow App is your go-to tool for all things real estate. Whether buying, selling, renting, or just browsing, this app covers you. Here’s a quick rundown of what it offers and how to make an app like Zillow?

  • Home Search: Easily search for homes to buy or rent. You can filter by location, price, size, and more.
  • Interactive Maps: Use maps to explore neighborhoods, see property boundaries, and view nearby amenities.
  • Property Details: Get comprehensive details about any property. This includes photos, price history, and even public records.
  • Virtual Tours: Take a virtual tour of homes from the comfort of your place. It's almost like being there in person.
  • Mortgage Calculators: Find out how much you can afford. Calculate monthly payments and compare different loan options.
  • Real Estate Agents: Connect with local real estate agents who can help you with buying or selling.
  • Rental Listings: Browse rental listings and easily find your next apartment or house.
  • Saved Searches and Alerts: Save your searches and get notifications when new listings match your criteria.

The Zillow App makes real estate simple and accessible. Download it today and start your journey to finding the perfect home!

Step-by-Step Guide how to make an app like Zillow:

Here is a complete guide on how to make an app like Zillow? Let’s start together:

Step-by-Step Guide how to make an app like Zillow:

App Analysis

Before you start, analyze Zillow. Look at its features, design, and user experience. Understand what makes it popular. Identify its strengths and weaknesses. This will guide your own app's development.

  • Market Research: Study the real estate market. Understand what users want and need.
  • Competitor Analysis: Look at other apps like Trulia and Redfin. See what they do well and where they fall short.
  • User Reviews: Read reviews of Zillow and its competitors. Learn from user feedback.

Define Feature Set

Decide what features your app will have. Think about:

  • Home Search: Make it easy for users to find homes. Use filters like location, price, and size.
  • Interactive Maps: Help users explore neighborhoods. Show property boundaries and nearby amenities.
  • Property Details: Provide comprehensive property information. Include photos, price history, and public records.
  • Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours so users can see homes without visiting.
  • Mortgage Calculators: Let users calculate what they can afford.
  • Agent Connections: Connect users with local real estate agents.
  • Rental Listings: Include rental options for those not looking to buy.
  • Saved Searches and Alerts: Allow users to save searches and get notifications for new listings.

Select Development Model

Choose your development approach. Will you go with:

  • In-house Team: Hire developers to work full-time on your app.
  • Pros: Full control, easier communication.
  • Cons: Higher costs, longer hiring process.
  • Outsourcing: Hire an external company to develop your app.
  • Pros: Access to expertise, potentially lower costs.
  • Cons: Less control of potential communication issues.
  • Freelancers: Hire individual freelancers for different tasks.
  • Pros: Flexibility, potentially lower costs.
  • Cons: Coordination can be challenging, varying quality.

Consider your budget and timeline. Each option has pros and cons.

Select Technology Stack

Pick the right technologies. Your choices include:

  • Frontend: React Native, Flutter
  • React Native: Good for cross-platform apps.
  • Flutter: Great for high-performance apps.
  • Backend: Node.js, Ruby on Rails
  • Node.js: Good for real-time applications.
  • Ruby on Rails: Known for quick development.
  • Database: MySQL, MongoDB
  • MySQL: Reliable and well-established.
  • MongoDB: Good for flexible, scalable applications.
  • Cloud Services: AWS, Google Cloud
  • AWS: Comprehensive services, widely used.
  • Google Cloud: Excellent for AI and machine learning integration.

Choose tools that fit your app’s requirements and your team's expertise.

UI/UX Design

Design a user-friendly interface. Focus on:

  • Simple Navigation: Make it easy for users to find what they need.
  • Clean Design: Avoid clutter. Use a minimalist approach.
  • Intuitive User Experience: Design flows that make sense and guide users naturally.
  • Wireframing: Create wireframes to map out the app’s structure.
  • Prototyping: Build prototypes to test the design with real users.
  • User Testing: Gather feedback and refine the design.

Remember, a good design keeps users happy and engaged.

App Development

Now, start building. Follow these steps:

  • Set Up Development Environment: Prepare your tools and frameworks.
  • Code the Frontend and Backend: Develop the user interface and server-side logic.
  • Integrate Your Features: Ensure all parts of the app work together.
  • Version Control: Use Git to manage changes and collaborate with your team.

Stay on schedule and keep your code clean.

Testing & Deployment

Test your app thoroughly. Look for bugs and fix them. Use:

  • Manual Testing: Check the app by hand to catch user experience issues.
  • Automated Testing: Use tools to run tests automatically and catch bugs faster.
  • User Testing: Get real users to try the app and provide feedback.

Once your app is polished, deploy it to app stores. Make sure the launch is smooth.

  • Beta Testing: Release a beta version to a small group to catch any last-minute issues.
  • App Store Optimization (ASO): Optimize your app’s listing to improve visibility.

Feedback & Iteration

After launch:

  • Gather user feedback.
  • Look at reviews and comments.
  • Use this information to improve your app.
  • Regular updates keep your app relevant and user-friendly.

How to make an app like Zillow is a big task, but you’ll be on the right path with these steps. Good luck! 

Benefits for Buyers, Sellers, and Realtors

For Buyers

Buying a domestic is a large deal. An app like Zillow makes it simpler and more exciting. With an actual property app, buyers can search for houses from everywhere at any time, making the manner extra flexible and convenient. Virtual tours permit them to see the inner of homes without leaving their personal, saving effort and time. Instant signals notify consumers when new homes that fit their standards become available, ensuring they do not omit out on a capacity dream home. Detailed records approximately each asset, together with photographs, charge records, and neighborhood records, allow buyers to make informed selections. Mortgage equipment protected within the app can calculate bills and offer monetary recommendations, making the entire home-shopping technique smoother and less worrying.

For Sellers

Selling your home can be stressful. A real estate app simplifies the process. By listing their assets on an app, sellers can attain a much larger target audience than conventional methods permit. This will increase the possibility of finding the proper client quickly. Posting assets is easy, with options to encompass distinctive descriptions and splendid photos, making the listing more appealing. Sellers can hold music of offers and hobbies in real-time, allowing them to respond quickly and efficiently. Market insights provided via the app help dealers apprehend modern tendencies, enabling them to charge their domestic sales successfully. Connecting with professional retailers through the app gives extra support and know-how, easing the selling process.

For Realtors

Realtors have an advantage over real property apps. It’s a sport-changer for their commercial enterprise. These apps offer gear to manipulate client information and choices, making matching customers with suitable properties simpler. Communication is streamlined, as realtors can contact buyers and sellers at once through the app. Scheduling viewings and conferences has become greener, saving time and decreasing logistically demanding situations. Realtors can also use the app's advertising and marketing tools to promote listings and attain a broader audience, increasing their probabilities of closing deals. Market evaluation capabilities help realtors live informed about contemporary tendencies and statistics, permitting them to offer better recommendations and close deals faster. Overall, actual property apps beautify productivity and allow realtors to offer pinnacle-notch service to their customers.

Creating a real estate app benefits everyone involved. Buyers find homes more easily and get detailed information to make informed decisions. Sellers reach more potential buyers and manage the selling process more efficiently. Realtors streamline operations, improve client interactions, and close deals more effectively. It’s a win-win for the entire real estate market.

Why Do You Need to Create a Real Estate App Like Zillow?

As we learn about how to make an app like Zillow let's explore why we need it?

Meeting Consumer Demand

People want convenience. They want to find homes easily from their phones, and a real estate app meets this demand.

  • Easy Home Search: Users can browse homes anytime, anywhere.
  • Instant Updates: Get notifications for new listings.
  • Virtual Tours: See properties without leaving the couch.
  • User-Friendly Filters: Narrow down searches by price, location, size, and more.
  • Saved Searches and Alerts: Users can save their favorite searches and get alerts when new listings match.

An app speeds up and enhances the home search process. It’s about meeting users where they are and making their lives easier.

Branding and Competitive Advantage

Stand out from the competition. An app shows you're modern and user-focused. It strengthens your brand.

  • Brand Visibility: Be where your customers are, on their phones.
  • Professional Image: Show you’re tech-savvy and up-to-date.
  • Customer Loyalty: Users appreciate a smooth, helpful experience.
  • Brand Consistency: Ensure a consistent brand experience across all platforms.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Keep users engaged with push notifications and updates.

A well-designed app can set you apart and keep users coming back. It’s not just about having an app but having one that enhances your brand.

Data Ownership

Having your app means you control the data. This is powerful.

  • User Insights: Learn what users like and need.
  • Better Service: Use data to improve your offerings.
  • Targeted Marketing: Personalize your marketing efforts based on user behavior.
  • Data Security: Ensure that user data is secure and used responsibly.
  • Analytics: Use in-app analytics to understand user engagement and improve app features.

Owning data helps you make smarter decisions and better serve your customers. It’s about having the information you need to stay ahead.

Revenue Generation Opportunities

An app isn’t just a tool; it’s a new revenue stream.

  • Ad Revenue: Show relevant ads to your users.
  • Premium Features: Offer paid upgrades or exclusive listings.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with local businesses for mutual benefit.
  • In-App Purchases: Allow users to purchase additional services or features.
  • Subscription Models: Offer subscription services for premium content or features.

Different revenue streams can make your app a profitable venture. It’s not just about creating an app but one that adds to your bottom line.


Ready to build your real estate app like Zillow? The benefits for buyers, sellers, and realtors are clear. A well-designed app can simplify home buying and selling, making the process more efficient. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of real estate apps and start creating something amazing today. How will your app stand out and change how people find their dream homes?


How Long Does it Take to Create a Real Estate App?

Depending on its complexity, a real estate app typically takes 6 to 12 months to develop. This timeline includes planning, design, development, and testing. Factors like feature set and team size can affect the duration.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App Like Zillow?

The cost to develop an app like Zillow varies widely based on features, design, and development team rates. It can range from a modest budget to a significant investment. Additional costs may include maintenance, updates, and marketing.




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